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earinc, hearing protection options, boulder Colorado
Garry Gordon

Forensic Audiology and Industrial Hearing Conservation

By: Robert M. Traynor and Garry G. GordonArticle first published in Workplace Material Handling and Safety  magazine. In today’s culture there are always workers that sue companies for alleged injuries incurred in the workplace. Even though there is an active hearing conservation program in place there can be a lawsuit for hearing loss and tinnitus. The hearing conservation program manager, in coordination with a Council for Accreditation in Occupational Hearing Conservation- (CAOHC) certified professional supervisor, may offer an impeccable example

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Earinc, Boulder Colorado, man using a Bebird digital otoscope and showing image of ear canal on smartphone
Garry Gordon

Ear Health and Safety

By: Garry Gordon, MS Article first published in Safety+Health magazine. What advice can I offer my employees who are hard of hearing because of ear wax? To keep the ear healthy, it’s not just a matter of wearing proper hearing protection to protect the ear from noise or water. It’s also a matter of keeping them clean. I’ve examined the ears of industrial workers for more than four decades, and three major issues come to the forefront: hearing loss, tinnitus and

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Apple airpods in the ear of a young girl.
Recreational Audiology
Garry Gordon

Using Earphones for Hearing Protection While Shooting – An Urgent Word of Caution

BY GARRY G. GORDON, M.S. AUDIOLOGIST/ INSTRUCTOR According to U.S. News and World Report, statistics from the National Heart Interview Survey show that from 1971 to 1990 hearing problems among young people ages 45 to 65 increased 26 percent, and among those ages 18-44 hearing deficiencies grew by 17 percent. Another study conducted in Alameda County, California over a period of three decades indicated hearing loss for men between the ages of 50 – 59 leapt by more than

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A pair of E.A.R. inc multifunctional hearing aids on a white background.
Garry Gordon

New Hearing Protection Options for Workers with Hearing Loss

In today’s global environment, the ramifications of excessive noise exposure could not be more apparent.  According to the World Health Organization (WHO), unaddressed hearing loss is the third most common health disability—ahead of diabetes, vision loss or cancer. The two primary factors causing hearing loss are excessive noise exposure and aging-related presbycusis.1 Traditionally, reaching 65 years of age meant a person had become an “old timer,” ready for retirement. Due to better healthcare and knowledge of successful medical treatments, the

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