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NYX Carbon Pro Sunglasses – Lenses


NYX Carbon Pro Sunglasses – Lenses

The NYX Carbon Pro Series is designed with an 8-based curvature. This means a better “hugging” feel to the face when worn with a sleeker style and look. This design is an excellent choice for females or young adults looking for a smaller frame design as well.

The poly carbonate lens meets of exceeds ANSI Z80.1 requirements for impact resistance.  They are coated with a scratch resistant material and block 100% of harmful UVA/UVB light.

The Carbon Pro Lenses are available in a variety of colors which are listed below.

Amber (Dark) – This is the second darkest lens we offer. It carries the same amber enhancement as the Medium Amber lens but will only allow 18% of available visible light through, making it a good lens for brighter conditions.

Amber (Medium) – This is a medium colored lens allowing in about 33% of available visible light. The amber color filters light more evenly then the vermillion and orange lenses, allowing objects to appear closer to their natural color. The brightness and contrast control features on the lens allow it to be used in a wide variety of conditions.

Amber (Light) – Characteristics of amber help bring definition to a viewed object. This lens is brings texture to the environment and would be used in low lighting conditions as it allows 88% of available light to pass through. The slight rose tint would also help bring out and highlight colors.

Amber (Polarized) – This is an excellent lens to enhance clarity against bright open backgrounds, and on glaring days. Allowing only 18% available visible light to come through, it will eliminate reflective light and define the objects appearance.

Clear – This lens allows 98% of available visible light and is mainly used indoors when no contrast is needed, or when there is adequate lighting conditions. This is a very good safety lens.

Gray (Dark) – This is the darkest lens we offer providing only 12% available visible light to come through. It is used on very bright days to cut down on glare and reduce eye strain. The gray color will leave objects true to natural color.

Gray (Medium)- An all-purpose lens which transmits all color schemes at the same level. Meaning objects seen through this lens stay true in nature. They are good lenses for bright sunny days allowing through 33% of available visible light.

Gray (Polarized) – A darker all-purpose lens which is best used on bright sunny days to eliminate glare and reflective light. This is a very good lens for fishermen who want to accentuate sandy bottom and as they cut through the water’s surface. This lens will enhance clarity of objects and allow only 18% of available visible light to pass through.

Purple (Light) – This lighter colored lens combining the gray and vermillion shades to dampen the green backgrounds and enhance clarity of the target against tall trees. This lens is perfect for daytime conditions and allows 85% of available visible light through.

Vermillion (Dark) – The darkest rose tinted lens in the series of vermilion shades. This lens will allow 22% available visible light to come through. It is best used during bright days to reduce terrain glare while still enhancing target color.

Vermillion (Medium)- A darker rose colored lens which allows 40% available visible light to come through. This lens is used to enhance your environment on bright sunny days, and reacts along the same principles as the light vermillion shade by sharpening the contrast of the target against green backgrounds.