The complications of untreated hearing loss are often accompanied with complaints about consistent ringing, buzzing or chirping sounds called tinnitus. World statistics indicate over 30 million people in the U.S. have this issue and over 465 million worldwide. Remedies that attempt to minimize or eradicate tinnitus include supplements, auditory maskers, hearing aids and neuropathy type therapies often administered by hearing healthcare professionals such as audiologists or otologists. A new approach that is supported by clinical research is called “THRESHOLD SOUND CONDITIONING” (TSC) and can be easily conducted over the internet with an Android or iOS device (smartphones and tablets). TSC technology is backed by over 15 years of research and clinically tested and proven with Stanford University, Palo Alto Medical Foundation, Samsung Medical Center, Chung-And and Nanjing Universities.
Today E.A.R. Inc. has created a partnership with AudioCardio and will be offering the benefits of TSC therapy to all of its accounts with a one month free trial. For more information go to https://app.audiocardio.com/signup and use promo code EAR30.
Today E.A.R. Inc. has created a partnership with AudioCardio and will be offering the benefits of TSC therapy to all of its accounts with a one month free trial. For more information go to https://app.audiocardio.com/signup and use promo code EAR30.